Terms And Conditions of the Studio
While we are excited to work with you and help you record some great music, before we get started we need you to know the rules of the studio.
You must have your music ready to be recorded on recording day. If you need session musicians, you must have the piece for them to play already made, and written out in the form of tabs and/or chords. They may or may not be there the day of to record. This is normal. We will have the piece that you provided us recorded later if this is the case. If you need background vocals, lyrics and melodies must be provided by you, unless otherwise agreed upon: i.e. a producer.
If you are not ordering session musicians, you must provide your own band members and instruments - including amps, drum sticks, guitar and bass chords, cabinets, extra strings, etc. if you need them. We do rent out and sell strings, guitar picks, drum sticks, etc. We will send you a list of what to bring with you.
Please note that one individual song can and may take an entire work day.
Please bring your own food. Water and a fridge will be provided. Restaurants are nearby.
Please be respectful, and courteous and we will do the same. The recording engineers are professionals, please treat them as such. They're style of working may not be what you've seen before or what you are used to. But that's part of the SUSS Sound. They know what they are doing, and don't need tips or to be told otherwise.
Please treat our studio and everything in it with care. You are responsible for anything that is broken or mistreated. No exceptions.
Please have everything ready to record when you show up, including, new tubes in the amps, new drum skins if you will be providing your own drums, new strings on guitars and bass. Make sure the vocalists and performers are warmed up. We will have a small warm up time at the start of the day.
In order to best serve you and our other clients, our scheduled times must remain consistent. The day begins at 9:00AM, and from that point on it will be considered part of your time that you are paying for, whether or not you are ready. No time will be added at the end. Lunch break starts at 12:00PM and will go until 1:00PM. This will provide the time to go to a restaurant if needed. We cannot continue through the break. At 1:00PM, the break is over, and the time begins. If you are not there, or are not ready, time will not be added at the end. The end of the day is 6:00PM. We can not go over the time. There are no exceptions. If you would like to book more time, you are free to do so.
9:00AM - The day begins. We have 1 hour to plugin and warm up.
10:00AM - 11:30AM: This is reserved for recording time, with a 10 minute break in between
12:00PM - 1:00PM: Lunch.
12:30PM - 6:00PM: This is reserved for recording time, with a 10 minute break in between
6:00PM: The work day is over. If more time is needed, we can schedule another day.
If you are going to be late, please let us know in advance. If you have not contacted us within 1 hour after the work day begins (9:00AM), we will assume you have cancelled with no prior notice.
Our studio begins working on your song and preparing at least 24 hours before the appointment. A down must be paid in order to book the time. If you are not able to show up for the allotted appointment, please give us at least 48 hours notice. Otherwise, the down payment will be kept as a liability.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time, without explanation.
There are no refunds. Order must be paid in full before we begin.